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Where also the Company’s Headquarters is situated.

Adress:  Ilioupoleos 1 A, Immitos 172 36

The complex is located near the Athens center and deals mainly in the production of small caliber ammunition of 5.56mm, 7.62mm, 12.7mm (.50 cal) and aircraft training bombs as well as in the production of the metal parts for the medium and large caliber ammunition and the warheads of the Stinger rocket and the IRIS-T missile.

It includes:

  • A factory for the production of cartridge cases, projectiles and metal parts of the ammunition
  • An automatic machine factory
  • A small arms ammunition factory
  • A complete and up-dated machine-shop for the manufacture of highly precision parts and assemblies, such as gages, dies etc.
  • Other supportive units and finally
  • The, qualified by NATO, Hellenic National Center for Static and Ballistic Tests, where EAS tests the quality of its weapons, guns and ammunition of small and medium caliber.


Adress: Meganith Bridge Egio, postal code, 25100

The complex is located in Achaia and:

  • it has facilities for the production of portable weapons (pistols, sub-machine guns, rifles, machine guns, light machine guns, mortars),
  • accessories of portable weapons (magazines, bayonets, bipod and tripods mounts),
  • Quick-Change Barrels for the 0.50″ BMG, 20 mm and 30 mm barrels and bolts as well as metal components (cartridge cases and projectile bodies) of 30mm ammunition.

It includes:

  • A Plant for the manufacture of small and medium caliber weapons
  • A Plant for the manufacture of metal components of 30mm ammunition
  • A Tool engineering section / Prototype fabrication shop

The complex is located in Lavrion (Attica) and deals:

  • in the loading and assembly of large caliber ammunition,
  • A/C bombs and HEAT ammunition,
  • in the loading of the warheads of IRIS-T missile and Stinger rocket,
  • in the assembly of missiles and
  • in the production of explosives, propellants, medium caliber ammunition, and Reinforced Plastics.

It includes:

  • A Filling Plant
  • A TNT and Nitrocellulose production facility
  • Facilities for the assembly and quality control of large caliber ammunition and missiles
  • A Reinforced Plastics production unit
  • MADF (Missile Assembly Disassembly Facility). One of the five existing facilities worldwide

Adress:  Athinon Thivon, Mandra 196 00

This plant is located in Mandra (Attica) and is active in the production of Twin Cannon Carriages (T.C.C.) of 30 mm, for the ARTEMIS 30 anti-aircraft system as well as in the production of Aircraft external payloads, such as pylons for MIRAGE and F16 aircraft, drop fuel tanks for F16 and MIRAGE aircraft, with various capacities.

Mandra Plant also deals in the manufacture, assembly, integration and testing of 30mm Naval Turrets, the manufacture and assembly of the canister as well as the manufacture of special tools for the PATRIOT missile system, the manufacture, assembly and integration of the VSHORAD missile A/A system ASRAD Hellas, the assembly, integration and testing of the medium range anti-tank system KORNET-E, the manufacture of electronic components of the MILAN anti-tank system, the integration of the anti-aircraft system VELOS and the overhaul & upgrade of armoured infantry combat vehicles.